AI Solutions for Law Firms, clients, companies, anyone.

Robb is a creative thinker and an articulate, capable legal and management professional. I am impressed by his skills and his integrity generally, and in particular, his strong commitment to sustainability. I look forward to working with him again.
— Michael Barkusky, Economist, Board of Change.

Please check out some of our latest Apps on the OpenAI App Store:

  • Your go-to vegan chef with a surfer’s chill vibe. Vegan Chef

  • Your AI-powered answers to any health questions about your furry friends. VetGPT

  • Your AI-Powered Guide to Nature's healing. HolisticMD

  • Imparts zen wisdom with mindfulness directives. ZenMaster

  • Crafting Heartwarming Tales of Your Furry Companions. Petbook

  • Your AI assistant for creating your story. AuthorGPT

  • Create Dynamic Brands to Generate Conversion. Brand Story

  • A helpful AI assistant trained on all previous California Bar Essays & Performance Test sample questions and answers. CalBar Essay Assistant.

Ai Apps for anyone

Every day, thousands of passionate makers and innovators come up with new startup ideas. Our clients always benefit from our toolkit of AI-App building, and the entire branding identity and corporate identity processes, and management tools.

Some of our select clients collaborate with us to manage corporate identity and branding terms, and find online positioning and development metrics are quite useful in ongoing refinement and tracking. Simple and effective corporate identity services for your business of any kind, in any state, or province. And the most effective data and tools available.


Audience intelligence

Insights from your target audience are the key to engaging with a relevant message.

We’ve assembled the tools and data that give you the data and insights to create a message and brand that resonates with your target audience(s).

Let us show you how!

The data and results speak for themselves.

We’ve established several brands as leaders in their space, with audience relationships and partnership channels that drive revenue and growth.

Robb has an unparalleled understanding of and expertise in the intersection of marketing/technology/legality. Robb has been instrumental in guiding ShareRoot’s future roadmap, and if you are looking for a humble expert with a corner on the industry intersection mentioned above, Robb is the person for the job!!!
— Noah Abelson, ShareRoot

thought Leadership

Want to establish your company as the go-to leader in a category or vertical? Engage us to create the language, syntax and identity pieces across all media that will position you in the collective consciousness, from scratch.

Leading the thought process in your vertical is the key to establishing your brand.

We’ve built startups and brands from the ground up.

We love to work with you at the outset to help strategize and deliver several key media artefacts that will form the basis of your inbound / outbound campaign.

We assess your audience, and target our messaging accordingly (with your insight and input).

We focus on 4 main media pieces: White Papers, Blogging, Short Videos and Audio clips.

White Paper

Often your solution has complexities and insights that can't be communicated in 144 characters, or a Wordpress site. If you need to deliver your message in a digestible way for an executive audience, creating a WhitePaper is often the under-executed ambition purely due to time constraints.

We love to craft your whitepaper from scratch, and enjoy when you re-mash our paragraphs in an efficient and effective iteration process, driving towards deliver of a final product. In a word, we ghostwrite your whitepaper, and track audience uptake.

  • WhitePaper Ghostwriting and Delivery

  • Audience uptake data tracking

  • Thought leadership artefact


If you want to engage your audience, you need to consistently deliver insightful and relevant content, and track its delivery and uptake. Blogging is also a great complement to your outbound campaigns.

  • Blogging strategy and content development

  • Integration of Messaging and content with Outbound campaign

  • Data and analysis of readership and uptake


short video

In order to reach your audience, the narrative needs to personal and real

We work with you to create and deliver short video content on relevant topics, with incisive messaging that gets to heart of the relationships you are building.


audio & podcasts

Audio and podcasts are super-targeted delivering outstanding results. We help you create and deliver the audio messaging that resonates and grows your audience beyond your wildest expectations.

Robb brings a singular, focused and determined perspective to every project he is involved in. He helped Genability engage, communicate and negotiate with potential partners and customers in that all important step of bringing our first products to the market.

partnership ecosystems

Partnership Ecosystems are the lifeblood of technology companies, and yet they are often mishandled and misunderstood by executives assigned to them.

We want to help. We have combined experience of over 5-decades building profitable partnership ecosystems for companies.

Partner Ready

We’ve partnered with PartnerReady to deliver technology companies (Series A and B) the tools and companion services they need to build robust and valuable partnership ecosystems:

  • 4 modules, to assess and improve your company’s partnership processes.

  • Incisive and Valuable Insights, on any vertical, for any company, for your partnership strategy and business as a whole

  • Engage us, to implement the suggestions we make for any module.

You can choose to use us to implement the strategies and suggestions that arise from our modules, or implement them on your own.

Brandtree began working with Robb a week after our launch. He has brought focus and quality to our team. Not only is his own work valuable and insightful, he has made me personally perform better. In particular, Robb has helped Brandtree leap forward in establishing channel partnerships and an inbound marketing program. He has strategic insight, and is willing to roll up his sleeves and execute. I’ve enjoyed working with him.
— Anthony Nicalo, Brandtree

Monthly Engagement Options

offsite General Counsel

Header Background Color – Change the background color of the header bar at the top of the page.

Site Title Font + Color – If no logo image is uploaded, set the typeface, font properties, and color of the Site Title.

Transparent Header – If a banner image of any sort is uploaded on a particular page, the header background will become transparent. Pages without banner images will keep the Header Background Color, as will folder dropdowns.

Logo Container Width – Set the width of the logo container, effectively changing the size of the logo. If the logo container is smaller than the size of the uploaded logo image, the logo image will shrink, but if the logo container is larger, the logo will not become larger than the uploaded image. The nav will take up the rest of the space to the right of the logo container.

Site Title Container Width – Set the width of the site title container. This effectively allows control over the wrapping of the site title.


Nav Link Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the navigation links.

Nav Link (Active) – Set the color of the navigation links on hover.

Enable Nav Button – Turn the last link in the navigation into a button (does not apply to folders).

Nav Button Style – Select between solid, outline, and raised buttons.

Nav Button Corner Style – Select between squared corners, rounded corners, or a "pill" shaped button.

Nav Button Color – Set the background color of the button (outline and text color if "outline" button style is selected).

Nav Button Font + Text Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the navigation button.

fund formation

Banner Overlay Color – Set a color to be overlaid over images on banners.

Banner Heading Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the headings in banners.

Banner Text Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the body text in banners.

Banner Button Style – Select between solid, outline, and raised buttons.

Banner Button Corner Style – Select between squared corners, rounded corners, or a "pill" shaped button.

Banner Button Color – Set the background color of the button (outline and text color if "outline" button style is selected).

Banner Button Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and colors of the banner button.

STO origination

Page Background – Set the background of the main content area.

Page Text Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of body text.

Page Link Color – Set the color of body links.

Page Meta Color – Set the color of meta text (blog authors, post dates, etc.)

Control the typeface, font properties, and colors of the Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3.

Quote Font + Color – Set the typeface, fonts properties, and color of Quote Blocks.

M&A Sourcing engagement

Hide Page Sidebar – Don't display the left-hand folder navigation on pages in a folder.

Hide Products Sidebar – Don't display the left-hand category navigation in product list view.

Hide Sidebar Title – Don't display title in the sidebar.

Sub Nav Title Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the titles in Page Folder Nav and Products Category Nav.

Sub Nav Link Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the links in subnavs.


Pre Footer Background – Set the background color of the pre-footer area directly above the footer.

Pre Footer Text Color – Set the color of the text in the Pre-Footer.


Footer Background – Set the background color of the footer area at the very bottom of the page.

Footer Text Color – Set the color of the text in the footer.

Footer Nav Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the footer navigation links.

Footer Nav Link (Active) – Set the color of the footer navigation links on hover.

Center Navigation / Info – Choose between left- and center-aligned footer navigation and site info.

Hide Site Info – Hide the site info in the footer.

Content Strategy

Meta Priority – Select whether date or category of a post appear above its title in blog list view.

Hide Entry Author – Don't display the byline of a blog post. Useful for blogs with a single author.

Hide List Entry Footer – Don't display the footer (Comment + Like + Share) in blog list view.

inbound / Outbound campaign

Gallery Navigation – Determines the type of gallery image navigation is provided on the page.

Gallery Info Overlay – Select the type of display used for image title and caption.

Gallery Aspect Ratio – Controls the aspect ratio (width:height) for the gallery active slide.

Gallery Arrow Style – Determines the style of the arrows used to cycle through the slides.

Gallery Transitions – select the transition styles used to animate between slides being viewed.

Gallery Show Arrows – choose to use arrows for cycling through slides.

Gallery Auto Crop – choose to auto crop slide images to the selected ratio.

Gallery Autoplay – choose to cycle gallery images automatically without user interaction.

Gallery Loop – Enable a gallery to cycle through to the first slide after the last slide.

Gallery Autoplay Speed –Specify the speed at which the gallery pauses on the active slide.

Gallery Thumbnail Size – Control the height of thumbnail images when used for gallery navigation.

Gallery Arrow Background – Specify the color that is used for the shape of gallery arrows.

Gallery Arrow Color – Specify the color that is used for the arrow itself.

Gallery Circle Color – Specify the color that is used for the circle shape gallery arrows.

Gallery Info Background – Specify the color used in the background of the image title and caption. 

Corporate / legal strategy

Event Time Format – Toggle between 24 hour or AM/PM for event times.

Event Icons – Enable icons on the address and event time display.

Event Thumbnails – Show an image thumbnail in list view.

Event Thumbnail Size – Control the size (ratio width:height) of the event thumbnail image.

Event Date Label – Enable date overlay on top of event thumbnail.

Event Date Label Time – Include the time of the event with the date overlay.

Event Excerpts – Show optional excerpt text of events on the list view when present.

Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.

Event List Address – Show the event location address when present.

Event iCal/gCal Links – Show links to add events to Apple or Google calendars.

Event Like and Share Buttons – Show Squarespace simple like and share buttons on events.

Event List Compact View – Enable a simple stacked view of events in the list view.

Event Calendar Compact View – Enable a simpler calendar view optimized for smaller areas

Director / executive services

Product Background Color – sets the color behind the product image.

Product Overlay Color – sets the color of the overlay when product list titles are set to 'overlay.'

Products Per Row – determines the number of products shown per line on the product list.

Product List Titles – controls the position of the product title on the product list.

Product List Alignment – sets the text alignment of the product title on the product list.

Product Item Size – select an image ratio for the product photo on the product list.

Product Image Auto Crop – determines whether product images fill the image area or fit within.

Product Gallery Size – select an image ratio for the product gallery on the product item page.

Product Gallery Auto Crop – determines whether product images fill the gallery area or fit within.

Show Product Price – shows the price on the product list page when enabled.

Show Product Item Nav – shows the 'back to shop' link on the product item page.


A very special thanks to UnSplash for providing the beautiful photography featured in this template.